I was out walking around our rural neighborhood with my macro lens seeing if I could find something interesting to snap. The iridescent colours, reminiscent of a chatoyancy gem, in this Common-green bottle fly caught my eye. It was so focused on feeding in the field side daises that my presence did not seam to bother it. Perhaps it was due to the fullness of pollen. It sure is unusual for a fly to sit still with a human so close. Never considered a fly a pollinator, but now seeing them in a different light then just one of those pesky insects.
"Out for a Stroll" are a pair of yearling Mule Deer among Balsam Leave Arrowroot. Mule deer are a fairly common site in the hills around Vernon, British Columbia.
Oh so pretty.... Mountain bluebird (S. currucoides). I like to sneak up and sometimes I get very close. This bluebird was probably wondering what this strange being is doing crawling in the grass. Taken in the Interior of British Columbia, Canada.
"1 2 3 Fan" Rufous hummingbird showing tail feathers fully extended. Male Rufous can be quite entertaining when they see a rival or just for the joy of it. This species is quite common in the Southern parts of British Columbia, Canada.
Painted Lady or West Coast Lady (Vanessa annabella) on Hawthorn. The details in this macro image are just stunning. Another beauty full image taken in the Okanagan, British Columbia, Canada.
What a delight it was to capture this downy woodpecker. It was busy opening the rosehip berries on this snow covered rosehip bush in the search for miniature bugs.
I guess there is a first for everything -> getting hissed on by a Great Basin Gopher snake (Pituophis catenifer deserticola) today which I nearly stepped on.